Jan 29, 2007. Re: Yamaha U1 Age and value. Post by PianoGuy » 29 Jan 2007, 21:59. GameproMax wrote: I have a Yamaha U1 with the serial number 6326541. I only bought it last year and was told it was a couple of years old - does anyone know how old it is and what I should sell it for (ex VAT)? If you bought that. Piano Age and Value Determination I. Age determination and serial numbers II. Assessment Table for used instruments III. Repair and purchase of very old instruments. Piano serial numbers help to identify the age of your piano and the history surrounding its production. Piano serial numbers identify the (1) age of your piano, the (2) piano's year of manufacture, as well as (3) the circumstances surrounding the production of your piano. Thinking of purchasing a Yamaha Piano? Simply enter your Yamaha piano serial number to find out when and where the Yamaha piano was made or look at the full listings of piano serial numbers.
Info Found On This Page: • • • • According to, this is where you can find the serial number of a grand piano and. For both grand and upright pianos, you can find their serial number stamped on the gold colored plate located inside the piano (after opening the lid) as shown in two pictures below.(photo credit: Yamaha USA). Where is Piano Model Number Location Most of the time, the model number is located not far from the serial number as shown in picture below. Another possible location is printed on the plate at the back of the piano.
Alternatively, looks for model number in the receipt of purchase if you still have it. If you don’t have it, try to locate the model number using this model number locator picture guide below. (Photo credit: ). Yamaha Piano Serial Number & Manufacturing Location produced for USA market have been manufactured in 6 countries and they can be identified through their serial number prefix.
Continually old instruments show at antiques dealers or inheritances. This old grand piano often work with a Viennese−style action. The pictures above show how you can detect a Viennese-action. The arrows show you the damping and the fulcrum of the hammer handles which mark this difference.
You can see a picture of the cross−section of a Viennese−style action under the menu item. Why should you refrain from instruments with a Viennese−style action? The last instruments constructed like this were built in Austria around 1920. That means, instruments containing a Viennese−style action are older than 90 years by now. Such musical instruments are not suitable for a serious piano education. Jogi Kannada Film Mp3 Download. For this reason these grand pianos should not be used for beginners an piano students.
In most instances service or rapair works do not make any sense with those grand pianos. Exceptions are a spezial age (historical value) or antiquarianism (spezial inheritances). In this cases the focus does not lie on the current value but on a sentimental value. Bmw 1200 Gs Service Manual Free. Tonal as well as in terms of technical requirements (repetition, precision of the regulation) these instruments do not meet present standards. The tuning pitch is often one half− or whole−tone too low. Comment Installer Une Toilette Suspendue Geberit. Concerning pianos the term 'second−hand' can mean many things. It can stand for relatively young instruments as well as for 100 years old instruments.
Because of wonderful veneer works or beautiful carvings, technical and age-related deficites are overlooked. Today the decision of investing in further service and repair works or buying a new piano is not easy. In this cases the owner has to take technical requirements for example the condition of the mechanics (wear and tear), the keys (key bushings and tey top), the pin−block (strength of the tuning−pins) and the sound−board into account.
To evaluate the technical condition of an instrument you should always consult a specialist. Very often defects are not visible fort he layman. For the instrument shown on the pictures above repair economically does not make sense any more (keys and mechanics are worn out, the pin−block has got hidden cracks, the soundboard is bursted several times).