Historical Anatomies on the Web (US National Library of Medicine). (browse authors) (browse authors on other websites) (Dream Anatomy exhibit) (Dream Anatomy gallery) Albinus, Bernhard Siegfried, 1749. Tabulae Sceleti et Musculorum Corporis Humani. (jpgs) Fau, J, 1849.

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The Anatomy of the External Forms of Man, Intended for the Use of Artists, Painters, and Sculptors. The Mysticism Of Hamzah Fansuri Pdf Writer. (jpgs) Richer, Paul, 1890. Anatomie Artistique. Original French version of the classic work, well known today through the translation by Robert Beverly Hale. Download menu accessed from button on top right. (text [French], pdf ) (plates, pdf) Kevin Chen life drawing tutorials.