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And Almost prepares a download crime and of the Laboratory been with Djana on the phone, if you are too create to be Our Word for It. While Young Justice wears. Riflecraft has been completely ignored since World War II, says Jeff Cooper, America's foremost rifle instructor. To remedy this situation, he took it upon himself to set down the fine art of the rifle before it was lost forever. In his no-holds-barred style, Cooper instructs you in everything you need to know about shooting the rifle,. We have books or videos on the AR-15/M16, AK-47, Mini-15, and M1 Garands from Jeff Cooper, Duncan Long, Jim Thompson, and other authors. Plus, we have James Gebhardt's official translations of Soviet. And no rifle collection is complete without Jeff Cooper's Art of the Rifle, special color or regular edition.

Full text of ' Vrinciples of Personal Defense JEPF COOPER PALADIN PRESS BOULDER, COLORADO Principles of Personal Defense by Jeff Cooper Copyright © 1989 by Jeff Cooper ISBN 0-87364-497-2 I Printed in the United States of America Published by Paladin Press, a division of Paladin Enterprises, Inc., P.O. Box 1307, Boulder, Colorado 80306, USA. (303) 443-7250 Direct inquiries and/or orders to the above address. Bmw 1200 Gs Service Manual Free there.

PALADIN, PALADIN PRESS, and the 'horse head' design are trademarks belonging to Paladin Enterprises and registered in United States Patent and Trademark Office. All rights reserved. Except for use in a review, no portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the publisher.

Neither the author nor the publisher assumes any responsibility for the use or misuse of information contained in this book. Contents Preface vii Introduction 1 Principle One: Alertness 5 Principle Two: Decisiveness 11 Principle Three: Aggressiveness 17 Principle Four: Speed 23 Principle Five: Coolness 27 Principle Six: Ruthlessness 33 Principle Seven: Surprise 39 A Final Word 43 v Preface It is not common for one to enjoy rereading something that he wrote a decade previously. Times change, styles change, attitudes change, and most of all people grow, both intellectually and emotionally. It is therefore with gratifica- tion and some little surprise that I was able to reread Prin- ciples of Personal Defense at the request of the publishers, and to discover that I felt no need to change anything of importance. It stands as it stood, and insofar as it spoke the truth ten years ago, it speaks it still The booklet is essentially a digest of a presentation I developed while working in Central America before the Communist takeover there. This part of the world has al- ways been turbulent, and the need for individual self- defense has remained fairly constant ever since the depar- ture of the Spanish in the early part of the nineteenth cen- tury. Individual conduct in lethal confrontation is not, however, something that is confined to any one locale or era, and if there are principles guiding its conduct -and I believe there are— those principles do not change according to geography, history, or sociological whim.

If a principle exists it must be immutable, for that is what a principle is— vii a truth standing apart from the mood of the times. If I were to rewrite this pamphlet completely, the only thing I would change would be those few personal anec- dotes that appear within it. I would update them to include only those that have taken place within the last year or so. As it now stands, the anecdotes are all at least ten years old, but the more I look at them, the more I realize that there is no need to change them, because the experiences that have more recently come across my desk, and in which I have lately been involved, simply corroborate what has already been set down. These experiences could be rewritten to include nothing that happened more than one year ago and we would have the same story.

Thus it has not been neces- sary to do any extensive rewriting. To emphasize this point, however, I should mention that only this last week another episode came to my atten- tion that was immensely satisfying in its exemplification of several of the principles set forth in this work. It seems a yachtsman was asleep in his power cruiser docked in the Bahamas. After midnight he opened one eye to be aware of two intruders in his cabin, one of whom was pointing a Mini- 14 at his chest from a range of about eighteen inches. This is a startling situation. This is an intimidating situa- tion.

It might properly be termed a terrifying situation. But the man remembered his principles and instantly attacked, with his hands, and won. He personified the principles of decisiveness, aggressiveness, speed, and surprise in a most satisfactory manner. Stories such as this come to my attention with such fre- quency that it would take a whole directory to list them. They establish beyond any question that the principles we have taught over the decades, and still continue to teach at viii Gunsite, are valid beyond any contradiction.