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Quick access: More about my research is available in the following MSR Luminaries, and and the recent Economist. Here is a link to our describing the White Space Deployments in Africa. Key projects: •: Leading research on the end-to-end design of IoT Applications, with an initial focus on Agriculture with the FarmBeats project. Read the Economist article.
•: Leading this effort since 2011. Shipped several innovations in products, such as Visual Studio and Windows. Two key research themes are: offload (,, ) and new battery architectures, e.g.. • (Research ): Started this project in 2005. Awarded MIT TR-35 for this research.
Now working on worldwide deployments and policy. • Low Latency Wireless: Designed the XBOX One Wireless Controller Protocol. This is shipping on 10s of millions of XBOX consoles and controllers. This has led to the design of Wi-Fi Direct. Software has over half million downloads.
Bio: Ranveer Chandra is a Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research where he is leading an. His research has shipped as part of multiple Microsoft products, including VirtualWiFi in Windows 7 onwards, low power Wi-Fi in Windows 8, Energy Profiler in Visual Studio, and the Wireless Controller Protocol in XBOX One. He is active in the networking and systems research community, and has served as the Program Committee Chair of IEEE DySPAN 2012, and ACM MobiCom 2013. Ranveer is also leading the, and the project at Microsoft Research. He was invited to the FCC to present his work on TV white spaces, and spectrum regulators from India, China, Brazil, Singapore and US (including the FCC chairman) have visited the Microsoft campus to see his deployment of the world’s first urban white space network. As part of his doctoral dissertation, Ranveer developed VirtualWiFi. The software has been downloaded more than 750,000 times and is among the top 5 downloaded software released by Microsoft Research. It is shipping as a feature in Windows since 2009. Ranveer has published more than 80 papers, and filed over 100 patents, more than 85 of which have been granted by the USPTO.
His research has been cited by the popular press, such as the Economist, MIT Technology Review, BBC, Scientific American, New York Times, WSJ, among others. Drivers Panel Blender Bottle. He has won several awards, including best paper awards at ACM CoNext 2008, ACM SIGCOMM 2009, IEEE RTSS 2014, USENIX ATC 2015, and Runtime Verification 2016 (RV’16), the Microsoft Research Graduate Fellowship, the Microsoft Gold Star Award, the MIT Technology Review’s Top Innovators Under 35, TR35 (2010) and Fellow in Communications, World Technology Network (2012).