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PRESS RELEASE MALAWI AND SCOTLAND MEETS UNDER THE FRAMEWORK OF JOINT PERMANENT COMMISSION OF COOPERATION (JPCC): EDINBURGH, SCOTLAND, 2 ND TO 3 RD DECEMBER, 2014 Hon. Chaponda, MP, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, led the Malawi delegation to the meeting of Malawi-Scotland Joint Permanent Commission of Cooperation (JPCC) that was held from 2 nd to 3 rd December, 2014, in Edinburgh, Scotland. Humza Yousaf, Minister for Europe and International Development, led the Scottish delegation to the meeting. Latex Template For Conference Program Sample there. The objective of the meeting was to review progress achieved since the last JPCC meeting that was held in November, 2012 in Zomba, Malawi, and to discuss project proposals in view of the next round of funding from the Scottish Government covering the period 2015 to 2018. The main outcomes of the JPCC meeting included: • Need to focus on a few targeted projects, to ensure visible and lasting impact on the targeted beneficiaries. In line with the Government’s priority to develop the export-oriented private sector, the Malawi Government highlighted the need to support cooperatives and Scottish private investment in the country; • Malawi to consider the list of proposed projects for the 2015-2018 funding cycle, and to submit to Scottish Government for further consideration. To ensure that the projects are in line with Malawi’s development priorities as outlined in the Malawi Growth and Development Strategy (MGDS), it was agreed that the Strand Leads (Governance, Health, Education and Sustainable Development) should be involved in the formulation process of the projects; and • That project monitoring and evaluation should be an integral part of the Scottish Government-supported development Programme.