BIOKIMIA:Pendahuluan Prof. Tata Tertib Kuliah• Tepat waktu, toleransi maks. O O Media Recovery 8 Keygen Software. 15 menit• Tidak Berisik• HP tidak diaktifkan• Hadir minimal 70%  boleh ujian• Paham bahasa Indonesia & Inggris• Baca salah satu / dua buku acuan• Pakaian rapi• Kerjakan Tugas, Mid, & Ujian• Ujian bisa lisan 3. Tujuan Perkuliahan• Mengenalkan dan memahamkan dasar biokimia: Kosakata (istilah dan struktur kimia), tatabahasa (reaksi-reaksi kimia), struktur kalimat (Jalur metabolisme) dan arti (keterkaitan metabolik) 4. Trudy McKee and James McKee. Biochemistry: The Molecular Basis of Life. Third edition.

McGraw- Hill, Boston.2. Lehninger, Nelson, & Cox. Principles of Biochemistry.2nd edition. Worth Publishers.3. Dasar-dasar Biokimia.

(Alih bahasa: Maggy Thenawidjaja). Penerbit Erlangga, Jakarta.4. Dan K-H.Roehm. Atlas Berwarna dan Teks BIOKIMIA (aliha bahasa: Inawati-Wanandi I, 2001).

Lehninger Dasar-dasar Biokimia Pdf

Penerbit Hipokrates, Jakarta.5. Prinsip-prinsip Biokimia. Penerbit Unair, Surabaya.6. Biokimia I dan II. Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta.7. Biokimia Dasar.

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Penerbit Rekayasa, Bandung. Dari rumput menjadi daging dan susuFresh grass haySilage 6. Dari pakan konsentrat menjadi daging dan telur 7. Dari makanan menjadi manusia 8. What is biochemistry?• Definition: – Webster’s dictionary: Bios = Greek, meaning “life” “The chemistry of living organisms; the chemistry of the processes incidental to, and characteristic of, life.” – WebNet dictionary: “Biochemistry is the organic chemistry of compounds and processes occuring in organisms; the effort to understand biology within the context of chemistry.“ 9. What is biochemistry?• Understanding biological forms and functions in chemical terms• Biochemistry aims to understand how the lifeless molecules interact to make the complexity and efficiency of the life phenomena and to explain the diverse forms of life in unifying chemical terms.