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Surya Prakash: I know that Gayatri Mantra is to be chanted in the morning, noon and dusk. Whereas, I am working in such a place that morning would not be possible, (I can do mentally without proper asana or sitting) as everybody sleeping in the same room upto 8am, which I do not find privacy rather I do not like to chant in that area. In the evening, we are at work and could not be possible to chant. Only the best time for me is in the afternoon between 1.30pm to 4.00pm (these are our lunch hours). Can I chant in this time?
However, I continue to do chanting mentally, whenever the time permits. Of course, during night times, automatically, I am used to chant the mantra. Is it not right to chant Gayatri mantra other than the THREE TIMES? I request your advice - to keep the fire in me. Swami Ramswarup: Time will never permit us but we have to command on the time for which this golden opportunity of human life has been blessed by God. The whole duties are to be discharged faithfully but these are discharged only to worship God.
See we are soul and not body. If body is maintained then the soul resides happily in the body and can continue real worship to realise God, which is our only motto. So to maintain the body we earn and must earn to wear clothes, to eat food, to live in house etc., etc. But see this money thus is only to maintain body and will be burnt at last. If we do not use this body to realise God then we have failed and will ever face sorrows, problems etc. Soul thus does not eat, does want home, clothes etc., soul is away from all these requirements because all worldly requirements are meant for only body. Soul is hungry only to listen pious preach about God.
So please try to sit for meditation and chant on gayatri mantra, by hook and crook. Driver Converter Stick Ps2 To Usb on this page. You can go to garden early in the morning to chant and meditate there. However, to chant the mantra mentally is more powerful and you may chant mentally even while walking or in lying position. I have explained meaning of gayatri mantra on the web site.
Please see and chant the mantra with meaning, which will give the best result. Two times are good but can be done three times also.
Lea: How did Hinduism have an effect on the American law code today? Swami Ramswarup: Because USA and our country are democratic. We respect all religions. Makarand: There are various colours such as Red.
Blue, Orange, Green, White etc. And, these colours are related to human nature, behaviour, preferences etc. White relates to purity, Red relates to aggressiveness, fire etc, Green relates to peace, calm etc. Catia V5 Torrent Download Crack Pes there. In this way, do we find any such meanings to colours in our Vedas or, any literature? Swami Ramswarup: The sun’s ray has seven colours. There are two things in the world good or bad (holy and sin).