Nicola Scafetta has with Adriano Mazzarella on the correlation of the spectral frequencies of M7 and greater earthquakes and oceanic oscillations and length of day (LOD). He ascribes those oscillations and the LOD variation to the astronomical forcings identified in earlier papers which have similar spectral frequency peaks. Abstract We compare the NOAA Significant Earthquake Historical database versus typical climatic indices and the length of the day (LOD).
The Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) record is mainly adopted because most of the analyzed earthquakes occurred at the land boundaries of the Pacific Plate. The NOAA catalog contains information on destructive earthquakes. Using advanced spectral and magnitude squared coherence methodologies, we found that the magnitude M ≥ 7earthquake annual frequency and the PDO record share common frequencies at about 9-, 20-, and 50- to 60-year periods, which are typically found in climate records and among the solar and lunar harmonics. The two records are negatively correlated at the 20- and 50- to 60-year timescales and positively correlated at the 9-year and lower timescales.
Pier Luigi Ighina - La Scoperta Dell'Atomo Magnetico (1954) - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. How To Install Sccm Client On Windows 7 Manually. Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /srv/users/serverpilot/apps/jujaitaly/public/index.php on line 447.
We use a simple harmonic model to forecast the M ≥ 7significant earthquake annual frequency for the next decades. The next 15 years should be characterized by a relatively high M ≥ 7earthquake activity (on average 10–12 occurrences per year) with possible maxima in 2020 and 2030 and a minimum in the 2040s. On the 60-year scale, the LOD is found to be highly correlated with the earthquake record ( r = 0.51for 1900–1994, and r = 0.95for 1910–1970). However, the LOD variations appear to be too small to be the primary earthquake trigger. Our results suggest that large earthquakes are triggered by crust deformations induced by, and/or linked to climatic and oceanic oscillations induced by astronomical forcings, which also regulate the LOD. The cause of this anti-correlation awaits further study.
Free Download Komik Fruit Basket Bahasa Indonesia Translation there. One of the most feasible explanations was presented by Gregori (2002) who attributed to the Earth’s core being a leaky capacitor or a battery; when solar activity is high, the Earth’s core is charged, whereas when the Sun’s activity is in low phase, the core in turn discharges energy. Another theory is cosmic rays; when the solar activity is low, the amount of ionized cosmic rays with stronger penetration capability increases (Kirby, 2007, and others); the increased cosmic rays may heat up the Earth’s interior to discharge more energy. Quote: “with possible maxima in 2020 and 2030” De Santis (INGV) EGU2014: “.In analogy with critical point phenomena characterized by some cumulative quantity, we fit the surface extent of this anomaly over the last 400 yr with power law or logarithmic functions in reverse time, also decorated by log-periodic oscillations, whose final singularity (a critical point tc) reveals a great change in the near future (2034 ± 3 yr), when the SAA area reaches almost a hemisphere.” We live in interesting times. Assuming there is something in a connection I wonder whether there is a switch between fewer large events and more small events? The latter will be poorly or not recorded in history.