Hey guys, Chris here. Last October 2013 I went to my first festival (I was dragged there against my better judgement) and now i’m hooked. Every moment of everyday I am thinking of music. Which led me to here. I’ve already from the info on this website bought a good laptop and a Numark Mixtrack Pro which i got a refurbished unit for $99AUS which I am using Serato DJ LE which I must say is awesome to the point where i have even already done a set for a friend at a party. I’m looking forward to learning a lot more from all you here and if you would be so kind to help I am after advice. Direction to a thread or just even your suggestions would be awesome.
I now want to make my own music!!! I’ve been looking at roland mc-303, mc-909, sh-101, the new AIRA TB-3 and the Juno 106 for a bit now among others but I’m on a budget and want to begin replicating punchy psy beats. Think Captain Hook, Ace Ventura, Astrix, Sesto Sento.
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Just the really punch-you-in-the-face psy beat but I also like the trancey stuff (hence sesto sento) and I also really like acid techno. So if anyone can point me in the right direction on gear or software please by all means HELP ME Ms Office 2007 Free Download Utorrent Kickass Games on this page. !!!!! Look out for me in the future and all the best guys. Poncho Poncho 🙂.
One way I’ve found to seriously motivate myself in life is to sign myself up for something. I’m DJing my first event, a car show, in May.
I’ve never DJed in front of people so I’m jumping into the deep end a bit here but I’m pretty comfortable with it. Car Shows are a lot of oldies, classic rock, and car-related songs which I’m really comfortable with. I’m perhaps a bit old to start doing this at 38, but I’ve always wanted to. When I was younger I thought the school dance DJs were awesome but there didn’t seem to be a way to break into that for me. Turn tables were expensive and they’d bring crates of records on dollies!
Later in college I always had a little PA and helped out jazz bands with some of their smaller gigs. That little system started growing once ebay came along, and craigslist took it to a whole new level. It’s grown to a point where my wife’s said I need to do something with it or sell some. П˜€ So I’m jumping in. I’m comfortable with sound systems (rather large ones at that) and the genre, I’m just getting my music lined up, organized, and practicing basic fades, cuts, a little beat matching, etc.
I’ve played around with Mixxx for a bit and that’s probably what I’ll use with an older MacBook. I don’t have a controller but I’m eyeing a Numark Mixtrack for starters.
Any advice is always welcome! Numark Mixtrack PRO, from my own experiences its a OK beginner controller, the lack of VU meters did not bother me much, but the one thing is bugged me is, no gain knob on it, in the club in-house mixer i have to turn the gain all the way up so it at least can go hand to hand with the CDJ quality sounds, even tough the gain already at maxed, it still not satisfying to my ears compared to the in-house CDJ quality, the Numark Mixtrack PRO 2, might offer a better sound card for it, not sure as I never tried them 2. Windows base laptop is a hit and miss most of the time, depends on how well you can self maintenance it, my bedroom is always messy, i burp in public, this why I much prefer Mac it can take care on its own 3.