Get ready to gross out: Video of man using tweezers to pull the world's longest ingrown HAIR out of his face goes viral • 'Joe Gross' takes a pair of pink tweezers to a clump of ingrown hair on his neck • ‘I’ve had this giant black mark on my face for months and it literally looks like a pound of hair,’ he says • He proceeds to pull long black strands from the side of his neck with the tweezers • By the end the hair has been removed and all that is left is a hole and specks of blood By Published: 04:12 GMT, 31 December 2014 Updated: 09:05 GMT, 7 January 2015. Etci National Rules For Electrical Installations Requirements. Mta Valhalla Roleplay Script Download. After clamping the tweezers around the clump of hair he gives it a good tug ‘I’ve had this giant black mark on my face for months and it literally looks like a pound of hair,’ he said. Then, using a pair of pink tweezers to make the whole procedure a little more stylish, he starts pulling the clump of black hair from his cheek. What goes on from here is pretty hard to stomach as Gross goes on to live up to his name and gets to work on removing the hair. There must be a lot of horror fans out there in cyberspace as the video has gone viral. Download Ipod Nano Software 1.1 3.