Many businesses looking to add a corporate wellness program to their workplace seek programs that demonstrate high ROI, are beneficial to employees, and are diverse in overall program offerings. For example, according to an Aflac Workforce Report, overall employee medical costs decreased an estimated $3.27 per dollar spent on wellness programs at work. See what happened there? Hard data is crucial when making significant financial decisions, and wellness programs are no exception. Long after an employee wellness program has been implemented, an employer needs to access ongoing. And for good reason!

Statistics Benefits Workplace Wellness ProgramsStatistics On Workplace Wellness Programs

How Employee Wellness Programs Statistics Work Once a company has implemented an employee wellness program to effectively gauge ROI and participation, there must be a component of. This is one of the only true markers to indicate whether a program is working to its full potential as well as being able to discern what programs are being utilized most – and when.

Oct 21, 2014. Well, look at some of these statistics and start seeing how you (and your company) can improve on: Add this infographic to your. Basically, the more you invest into employee wellness programs, it will help with medical expenses for both the employee and the company as a whole. You know what they say,. Apr 21, 2016. Employee wellness programs might look different at different companies. Crystal Reports Runtime Installer Vb6. No matter the scope of your program, there are eight things you absolutely need to know about employee wellness.

Wellworks For You, for example, has fully-integrative and support. Whenever an employer needs real-time data, it can be easily obtained, including: • Administrative information/access • Incentive management tracking • Comprehensive program reporting • Health data analytics Within these categories, employers can assess employee participation in wellness challenges, fitness classes, health coaching, biometric screenings and much more. The Proof is in the Numbers! When it comes to and health and productivity in the workplace, think about this: One study highlighted in the Harvard Business Review, revealed that in 6 year’s time, a particular company’s absenteeism was reduced by 80%, with savings up to $1.5 million largely due to the incorporation of an employee wellness program.

Implementing a corporate wellness program is the first step to helping your employees visualize their health data and how it can work for them. To learn more about employee wellness programs statistics how you can maximize company health and wellness.